We must step forward even if it's baby steps, even if it's two steps back and one forward. We have to. The loss of Ruth Bader Ginsberg has brought a deep sadness to this new reality of pandemic days, and the shock of a government that sees power and control as the reason to exist. When I heard RBG died, I sat still for a week, hardly able to embrace the apples and honey of a new year spiritually. The mourning continues for the loss of so many things. But we must step forward, while reaching out to be kind and participate. And yes! VOTE as if our life depends on it...
Welcome the new year. Welcome the solstice. Welcome mild days and cooler nights. Yeah for pomegranate, droopy grape and artichoke season. Squash is abundant, how I love the seeds (oops, I think I forgot some drying in my oven!)
And hurrah that with yet another look at Amazon Kindle, I figured out how to design a cover. Again, is it perfect? Certainly not! But, visit Amazon.com to find my step forward, my Coronavirus project in ebook and paperback.
